Quotes Architect

"Arsitektur bukan produk massal. Arsitektur itu eksklusif"
- Ir. M. Salatoen P., MT. –

"Arsitektur itu subjektif
Bangunan itu objektif"
- Prof. Dr. Ir. Josef Prijotomo, M Arch –

"Kreativitas itu tidak bisa hanya ditunggu. Kreativitas didapat dengan melakukan"
- Ir. H. Andy Mappajaya, MT. –

"Architects are not born, neither made, they are designed"
-Bahay Kubo-

"We don't creat the work. I believe we, in fact, are discoverers"
-Glenn Murcutt-

"Architects don’t give ideas. Architects SELL ideas !"

"Architecture is a visual art. And the buildings speak for themselves"
-Julia Morgan-

"Architecture is the art of how to waste space"
-Philip Johnson-

"It is better to fail in originality. Than to succeed in imitation"
-Herman Melville-

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